Michaël Roynard's website

Research Laboratory of EPITA (LRE). Paris, France. Contact me by mail.



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94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France

Hello folks, welcome on my personal webpage. I am Michaël, a postdoctoral researcher at LRE in France. My researches are about Theoretical Computer Sciences applied to Image Processing. During my Ph.D. I have researched how to design a complete Concept framework for the image processing area. I provide this framework through the C++ Pylene library. I now research how we can provide an interface between the static world (C++ generic code) to the dynamic world (Python), which is where most of the Image processing community reside. I will explore several avenues, such as doing JIT compilation via different tools to provide optimal python bindings on-the-fly when requested by the practitioner.

On a personal note, I am active on reddit (r/cpp) and twitter. I like to read good books, travel and see interesting places, good (french) food and good music, such as Pink Floyd, Ramstein, etc.


Oct 22, 2015 Personal website is up!

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